Increasingly our customers are seeking ways to reduce their energy consumption with the increasing rise of electricity prices. One customer said that they’d woken up one morning with snow on his bed as he’d left the trickle vent open last snowy winter. Most houses have trickle vents on their windows or big brick vents and […]

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 I’ve had some bad experiences with builders, it has to be said. You can always tell when you’ve had workmen in the house: huge fingerprints, no milk, endless dust and foot prints. So here are a few ways I’ve learnt to start off the right way and in the back my mind i hear my granny […]

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September 17, 2010
You have the all important planning permission granting document and you are rearing to go. But who do you go with? Finding the right builder can be a daunting task. They come in all sizes, shapes, colour and attitudes. Would you do an X factor style selection where the person who lifts the most bricks gets the job? Probably not.

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